A New House
Somehow we crammed all of our stuff into a house half the size of our last house. We got rid of at least two U-haul truck loads of things we don't use, hadn't remembered or had out grown. We had a 6 by 10 foot room in the basement alone that was stacked from floor to ceiling with baby stuff from 8 years of babies and a thought that we "never new when we might get another baby." Finally, decided to donate all of it with the pacification that if we adopted another baby/toddler it that we would splurge on new things.
Somehow I packed and unpacked without going totally insane. It's smaller but the layout is so much better and we know we will be comfortable until the new house is built.
The Pool
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Home from surgery without missing a beat. |
At the end of July, Lukasz had surgery to remove the skin tags on the right side of his face. As always, Dr. Kane did a great job and Lukasz recovered almost immediately after the anesthesia wore off. I drove down with all five of the kids and our babysitter, the brave Sarah, and we stayed in a hotel the night before the surgery and the night after the surgery. It was an outpatient surgery but Lukasz had a pre-op appointment the afternoon before the surgery and we did not know when we would be discharged from the hospital after the surgery.
The other kids were completely satisfied to swim in the pool all day while Sarah laid by the pool keeping an eye on them. And I'll admit it was nice for me to have a few hours of quiet in the waiting room.
Lukasz woke from surgery ready to hop right back into the crazy life with his siblings and within an hour of discharge he was in the pool at the hotel with everybody else. We were supposed to avoid the pool for two weeks but we kept his incision dry.
Body Awareness
This surgery was much more emotional than the cranial vault reconstruction in February. I knew it would change his face. I also knew that it was not absolutely necessary for his physical well being as his cranial vault reconstruction. I didn't want him to think we didn't think he was beautiful. I didn't want him to think he needed to change his face. However, we acknowledge that the reality is that we did it to make his life easier around people--so he would not be faced with repeated questions like "what's that on your face?", and maybe see a few less surprised looks.
Yes, this does sound like a surgery to conform to society; to help Lukasz "fit in". I don't mind answering the questions about his face or shielding him from the horrified face of a two year old a million times a day, so long as he never notices. And there are things we will always get questions about and parts of his face that will never be close to normal. His face has always been beautiful and I don't care if the world does not see that or agree, but we decided we wanted to minimize his very real pain when he does become aware of the stares and questions.
I guess this is one of those decisions that parents make everyday that we know that no matter what choice we make, our teenaged children will disagree, despise and scream about. We are still torn and still concerned about how he will feel over this surgery and the conversations we had with Lukasz make us wonder even more.
"My Ear"
For a couple of weeks before the surgery, we explained to Lukasz in sign and speech that Dr. Kane would be cutting the tags off of his face. We pointed and touched the area so that he would understand what part of his face would change. We did not want him to wake up after surgery to suddenly find that part of it was missing, no matter how small. We asked him what was going to happen and he told us by saying that "Dr. Kane cut this off" and pointing.
About a week after the surgery, I told Lukasz that we were going to see Dr. Mitchell (our ENT in Dallas) for a follow up on his tube surgery in December. Lukasz looked at me with a scared face, touched the incision, then pointed to his good ear and said, "NO! I don't go. Dr. cut off my ear!" He didn't want the doctor to cut off his other ear.
I was stunned. In Lukasz' mind, those skin tags were his right ear. And remembering back, we always thought it was funny and cute that when he "covered his ears" he had always covered his good ear and the skin tags. If he was putting on head phones he had always tried to put the right side over his skin tags. Even though the skin tags were no where near the normal location for an ear.
I explained over and over that Dr. Mitchell was just going to look inside his ear and at odd times during the days leading up to the follow-up appointment I would ask him what Dr. Mitchell was going to do. He would say, "Just look" and point to his good ear. However, every so often for weeks he would randomly tell us, "Dr. Kane cut this. Cut this one?" and point to his good ear.
Thankfully, he has not been permanently traumatized. And we tease him, asking, "Is Dr. Kane mean?" He laughs and says, "Yes! Dr. mean, cut my ear!" But now he is not afraid or sad. And he does not mind that we are going to see Dr. Kane for his surgery follow-up appointment.
These conversations told me so much about my son. He understood what we were telling him and could make connections between the past and future. He had an internal body image that was fixed and changes to it could scare him. My instinct to tell him about what would happen was right but I had no idea that Lukasz' some how biologically identified his skin tags as an ear. In fact, they were; or would have been if his face developed properly. I find that amazing. I am not a biologist or doctor but to me this is fascinating. We never told him that was an ear. Those tags never looked like the good ear that we always pointed to and identified for him in the mirror. How did he come to think of those as his right ear?
If nothing else, we know that it is imperative that any time he has surgery we be mindful that Lukasz is aware of all the parts of his face and how he sees them may be different than how any of us see them.